Lorenzo Jovanotti Cherubini at the closing of 15th International Architecture Exhibition


The 15th International Architecture Exhibition ends on 27th November with the special visit of Lorenzo Cherubini Jovanotti.

Giardini della Biennale, Venice

27th November 2016


The 15th International Architecture Exhibition, Reporting From The Front, held from 28 May to 27 November 2016 at Giardini, Arsenale and in various places of Venice, had a special visitor on its closing day: Lorenzo Cherubini Jovanotti.

The curator Alejandro Aravena accompanied him along the itinerary, describing him the most representative projects  of the exhibition.

Jovanotti e Marina_fine Biennale 2016
Finally, Lorenzo visited the exhibition at InParadiso Gallery, Giardini della Biennale: the President of Concilio Europeo dell’Arte, Marina Bertoldini, welcomed him.