Tribute to Lele Luzzati

Serigraphs and engravings by Emanuele Luzzati


When I am decided, I'll go to heaven with the Castelletto lift, at night, stealing a little time to my rest

InParadiso Gallery, Venice

20 September – 10 October 2007

Thursday, 20th September 2007 at 6.30 pm

La mostra

On show at the InParadiso Gallery in Venice, at the Biennale Giardini, the enchanting and unforgettable pastels and paper and fabric collages, engravings and serigraphs of Emanuele Luzzati. Bursts of evocative fantasy and magical poetry, which draw from fairy tales, legends and folktales of our tradition.

Art exhibition by the European Council of Art in cooperation with Luzzati Museum of Genoa.


“When I am decided, I’ll go to heaven with the Castelletto lift, at night, stealing a little time to my rest”

InParadiso Gallery dedicates an important space to the great Italian artist, who died recently, Emanuele Luzzati. It is a tribute to his “joie de vivre” so light and immediate that pervades the fantastic and colorful world of the able and learned Genoese master.

Emanuele Luzzati (3 June 1921 – 26 January 2007) was an Italian painter, engraver, production designer, illustrator, film director and animator.