Erick Monjour studied at Parson School (Paris) and Bellas Artes in Madrid and currently lives in Paris. He has exhibited all over the world during the last 25 years.
Erick Monjour signature is a barcode (1111111111162), the most representative imprint of our time, which identifies products as well as individuals. This barcode is nevertheless different from the common ones because of its wavy vertical line on the far right which makes it unreadable by a scanner, defending in that way our uniqueness.
Erick Monjour pour Art Power
Erick Monjour is the “World Painting” movemement founder, created in 1997. His painting mixes all representations, from all artistic periods, to create a new symbolism.
Like its namesake, “World Music”, World Painting is trying to mix together elements from our collective artistic heritage to create a new symbolic imagery.
“My approach is both global and timeless. It consists of a series of found works, image captures and icons mixed and reactivated in order to create interactions, clashes and a new aesthetic. No logic style, temporal or spatial limits this kaleidoscopic research”.
The piece
Energy mix
Wood, fluorescent paint, chips and various objects, year 2010
110×70 cm