Inauguration Friday, May 25, 5 pm, “BORGHI of ITALY – #NO(F)EARTHQUAKE” by CEA, InParadiso Art Gallery


On the occasion of the 16th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, the Concilio Europeo dell’Arte presents “Borghi of Italy – #NO(F)EARTHQUAKE”. The project – in line with the Freespace manifesto – is dedicated to the revitalization of the Italian villages – Borghi of Italy and it is installed in the historic seat of the Concilio InParadiso Art Gallery (May 26 – November 25, 2018).

The main objective of the exhibition is the prevention, the adoption of concrete measures of safeguarding and the potential management of future seismic risk of the historic and monumental Italian patrimony. To complete the exhibition, we have added a cycle of 6 days of conferences in September, October and November at the exhibition site and the IUAV University of Venice.

The exhibition, curated by Marco Pretelli, Paolo Faccio, Anna Saetta and Marco Savoia, presents the cases of five Italian Borghi affected by seismic events since 1976: Venzone, Auletta, San Felice Sul Panaro, Amatrice and Civita di Bagnoregio, revealing different aspects of how the consequences of the earthquake have been dealt with. The purpose is to raise public awareness about the theme of “keeping safe”and “resilience”: it is not enough to secure places and their reconstruction, but it is necessary to strengthen all the activities in those territories.

The project of Concilio Europeo dell’Arte “BorgoAlive!” promoted by CEA, under the patronage of the Association “I Borghi Più Belli d’Italia”, ANCI (Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani) and FOAV (Federazione Ordine Architetti del Veneto), shows to the public the “best practices” to activate the concept of a “sustainable revitalization” of a village and of its surrounding territory.

In this context, the Concilio Europeo dell’Arte and Marco Guglielmi artistically translate the theme of the project “Borghi of Italy” with a site specific artwork that develops in the interior exhibition spaces.

Inauguration on Friday, May 25, 5.00 pm, InParadiso Art Gallery, Giardini della Biennale, Castello 1260 – 30122 Venezia.

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