CEA – Concilio Europeo dell’Arte Association – is a not-for-profit Association of Social Promotion dedicated to Art. The CEA realizes the goal of the Concilio Europeo dell’Arte: to promote and create projects and programs on the artistic-historical thought and aesthetic; to carry out initiatives that inform and disclose cultural and artistic phenomena through temporary and permanent exhibitions, publishing initiatives, seminary meetings, conferences, and debates; to realize targeted initiatives promoting the youth’s understanding and awareness of events and expressions of early, modern, and contemporary artists; to maintain forms of collaboration and exchange with other associations, museums, entities, institutions, both public and private; and to enhance, promote, and make known all forms of manual labor – of artistic artisanship and of art in general.

The CEA Association pursues its mission through the development and management of projects and events in areas including art, artisanship, leisure, environmental tourism, and education.