If the artistic cultural heritage is the core of our identity and of our historical memory, what role must a cultural institution assume in Italy or in the international contemporary artistic scope? From this point, the mission of the Concilio Europeo dell’Arte is to align itself – from its constitution in 2006 – to the “secular culture of conservation” – the increasingly felt need to guide and promote even the contemporary artists and give them those services that today are indispensable.
Art enriches our daily life; it helps us understand the changes that take place in us and in the world, for which the chosen dimension is Europe, perceived as natural, outside the limitations of an approach that stops at national borders.
The Concilio Europeo dell’Arte carries out in Italy and Europe not-for-profit promotional activities of social utility. The Council aims to develop a greater sensitivity towards all forms of art and craft and, as a consequence, cultural growth through the rediscovery of territory, the evaluation of historic and architectural heritage, and the recognition of the particulars and the peculiarities of local traditions, and the development of the study and the knowledge in the artistic and artisanal field (art. 2 of the Statute). It is the very coexistence of diverse disciplines and artistic expressions that generates resonance and unpredictable cultural intersections, vital for the growth of our project.